
Research Type
Basic Research
Field Experiments, Field Observations, Remote Sensing, Spatial Analysis
Spatial Scale of Expertise
Global/Hemispheric, Local/Community
Time Scales
Statistical Focus
Mean Change/Trends, Variability
Mountain Ranges of Research Expertise
Participation in Assessments


Biological Sciences
Biodiversity, Ecology, Terrestrial Ecosystems, Biogeography


List of Publications
A) Peer-reviewed scientific articles 2021 Camarero, J.J., Gazol, A., Sánchez‐Salguero, R., Fajardo, A., McIntire, E.J., Gutiérrez, E., Batllori, E., Boudreau, S., Carrer, M., Diez, J., Dufour‐Tremblay, G., Gaire, N.P., Hofgaard, A., Jomelli, V., Kirdyanov, A., Lévesque, E., Liang, E., Linares, J.C., Mathisen, I.E., Moiseev, P.A., Sangüesa‐Barreda, G., Shrestha, K.B., Toivonen, J.M., Tutubalina, O.V. and Wilmking, M. (2021), Global fading of the temperature‐growth coupling at alpine and polar treelines. Global Change Biology. Accepted Author Manuscript. 2021 Toivonen J.M., Gonzales-Inca, C.A., Moulatlet G.M., Capparelli, M. & Salo M. Rethinking science-policy interface for sustainable future of the Andean environment and society - Learning from the diversity (in press for the book “Why Latin America Matters?”, Produced by Coimbra Group of Universities) 2020 Bader, M.Y., Llambí, L.D., Case, B.S., Buckley, H.L., Toivonen, J.M., Camarero, J.J., Cairns, D.M., Brown, C.D., Wiegand, T. and Resler, L.M. (2021), A global framework for linking alpine‐treeline ecotone patterns to underlying processes. Ecography, 44: 265-292. 2018 Toivonen, J.M., Gonzales-Inca, C.A., Bader. M.Y., Ruokolainen, K., Kessler, M. Elevational shifts in the topographic position of Polylepis forest stands in the Andes of southern Peru. Forests 9: 7. Doi:10.3390/f9010007 2017 Toivonen J.M., Suominen, L., Gonzales-Inca, C.A., Trujillo Paucar, G. and Jones, M.A. Environmental drivers of vascular and non-vascular epiphyte abundance in tropical premontane cloud forests in Northern Peru. Journal of Vegetation Science. Doi: 10.1111/jvs.12577 2017 Sylvester, S.P, Heitkamp, F., Sylvester, M.D.P.V., Jungkunst, H.F., Sipman, H.J.M. Toivonen, J.M., Gonzales Inca, C.A., Ospina, J.C., Kessler, M. Relict high-Andean ecosystems challenge our concepts of naturalness and human impact. Nature Scientific Reports 7: 3334. Doi:10.1038/s41598-017-03500-7. 2014 Kessler, M., Toivonen, J.M., Sylvester, S., Kluge, J. & Hertel, D. Elevational patterns of Polylepis (Rosaceae) tree height in the high Andes of Peru: role of human impact and climatic conditions. Frontiers in Plant Science 5:194. 2014 Toivonen, J.M., Horna, V., Kessler, M., Ruokolainen, K., Hertel, D. Interspecific variation in functional traits in relation to species climatic niche optima in Andean Polylepis (Rosaceae) tree species: evidence for climatic adaptations. Functional Plant Biology 41(3): 301–312. 2012 Jomelli, V., Pavlova, I., Guin, O., Soliz-Gamboa, C., Contreras, A., Toivonen, J.M. and Zetterberg, P. Dendroclimatic potential of Polylepis pepei, subsericans and rugulosa in the Tropical Andes (Peru- Bolivia) Tree-Ring Research 68(2): 91–103. 2011 Toivonen, J.M., Kessler, M., Ruokolainen, K. and Hertel, D. Accessibility predicts structural variation of Andean Polylepis forest. Biodiversity and Conservation 20: 1789–1802. 2010 Schmidt-Lebuhn, A., Fuchs, J., Hertel, D., Hirsch, H., Toivonen, J. and Kessler, M. An Andean radiation: Polyploidy in the tree genus Polylepis (Rosaceae, Sanguisorbeae). Plant Biology 12(6): 917–926. Conference abstracts: 2019 Toivonen, J.M. Modelling mountain micorefugia - suitable sites for mountain forests in shifting climate. International Mountain Conference, Innsbruck, Austria, 09/2019. 2019 Toivonen, J.M., Gonzales-Inca, C.A., Bader. M.Y., Ruokolainen, K., Kessler. Elevational shifts in the topographic control of Andean treeline forest distribution. International Mountain Conference, Innsbruck, Austria, 09/2019. 2017 Toivonen, J.M., Suominen, L., Gonzales-Inca, C.A., Trujillo Paucar, G., Jones, M.M. Environmental drivers of epiphyte abundance in tropical premontane cloud forests in Northern Peru. Oikos Finland conference, Helsinki, Finland, 01/2017. 2017 Pitkämäki, T., Toivonen, J.M., Huttunen, S. Epiphytic bryophytes respond to changes in forest structure. Oikos Finland conference, Helsinki, Finland, 01/2017. 2016 Toivonen, J.M. El pasado, presente y future de los bosques de Polylepis: El rol de los factores ambientales y antrópicos. International Glacier and Mountain Ecosystems Forum, Huaraz, Peru, 07/2016. 2016 Toivonen, J.M., L. Suominen, M. Jones. Variations in bryophyte cover in relation to forest structure and microclimate in tropical cloud forests of Andean Amazonia, European Conference of Tropical Ecology, Göttingen, Germany 02/2016. 2015 Toivonen, J.M. Elevational shifts in niche space based on terrain features in two Polylepis tree species in the Andes of southern Peru. International Biogeography Society, 7th biennial conference, Bayreuth, Germany 01/2015 2011 Toivonen, J.M. Accessibility predicts the degree of degradation of Andean Polylepis forests. Status and future of tropical biodiversity. Conference of the Society for Tropical Ecology, Frankfurt, Germany 02/2011 2006 Toivonen, J. Comparación de los nichos ecológicos ocupados entre siete especies de Polylepis en Cusco, Peru. XI Congreso Nacional de Botanica. Puno, Peru 09/2006. 2006 Toivonen, J. & M. Kessler. Distribución geografica y los nichos ecologicos ocupados de los bosques de Polylepis en la region del Cusco, Peru. II Congreso Internacional sobre la Ecologia y Conservación de los bosques de Polylepis. Cusco, Peru 05/2006 2002 Toivonen, J. Diferencias en los mecanismos de dispersal de semillas entre dos tipos de suelos en la Amazonia Peruana. IX Congreso nacional de Botanica, Universidad Nacional de la Amazonia Peruana, Iquitos, Peru 06/2002. 2001 Toivonen, J. Differences in seed dispersal mechanisms, forests structure and dynamics in two soil types in the Peruvian Amazonia. 9th Meeting on Nordic Botanical Research in the Neotropics, University of Utrecht, Nationaal Herbarium Nederland. Netherlands 05/2001. B) Non-refereed scientific articles 2019 Toivonen, JM. Uraohjaus osana väitöskirjaohjausta. Yliopistopedagogiikka 2/2019. 2003 Arce R. & J. Toivonen. Estudio de los bosques del género Polylepis en el Santuario Histórico de Machupicchu. In: Antonio Tovar et al., Centro de Datos para la Conservación de la Universidad Nacional Agraria de la Molina (eds.): Biodiversidad del Santuario Histórico de Machupicchu. Programa Machu Picchu / PROFONANPE. C) Scientific books (monographs) 2014 Toivonen, J.M. Determinants of Polylepis (Rosaceae) forest distribution and treeline formation in the high Andes. Doctoral dissertation, University of Turku, Finland. D) Publications intended for professional communities 2016 Toivonen, J.M., Suominen, L., Trujillo Paucar, G., Gonzales Inca, C., Van doninck, J. Eco-hidrología y diversidad de los bosques de Alto Mayo. Technical report, Servicio Nacional de Áreas Naturales Protegidas por el Estado (SERNANP), Peru. 43 pp. 2015 Toivonen, J.M. & Trujillo, G. Vegetation structure and its ecohydrological implications in premontane cloud forests of Alto Mayo watershed, Northern Peru. Technical report, Project Biocuencas, Conservation International-Peru. 16 pp. 2003 Arce, R. & J. Toivonen. Estado de los bosques de Polylepis en tres áreas del sistema nacional de áreas naturales protegidas por el estado (SINANPE). FANPE/GTZ - INRENA. Lima, Peru. 50 pp. 2003 Arce, R., C. Gonzales & J. Toivonen. Distribución de los bosques de Polylepis en el Departamento de Cusco. Natural History Museum of Lima / Embassy of Finland, Lima, Peru. 52 pp. 2002 Arce, R. & J. Toivonen. Estudio de los bosques del género Polylepis en el Santuario Histórico de Machupicchu. FANPE/GTZ - INRENA. Programa Machupicchu, Cusco, Peru. 91 pp 2000 Toivonen, J. Vuojoen kartanopuiston kasvillisuus. The vegetation of Vuojoki park. Posiva oy, Finland. 1999 Toivonen, J. Tuoksualvejuuren, Dryopteris frgrans, levinneisyys Kevojokilaaksossa. The distribution of Dryopteris fragrans in the valley of Kevo river. Metsähallitus. Ivalo, Finland. E) Publications intended for the general public, linked to the applicant’s research 2003 Toivonen, J. & R. Arce. Polylepis-puut sinnittelevät Andien lumirajalla. Helsingin Sanomat. Tiede. 9.8. 2003 (Article in newspaper). F) Theses 2014 Toivonen, J.M. Determinants of Polylepis (Rosaceae) forest distribution and treeline formation in the high Andes. Doctoral dissertation, University of Turku, Finland. 2002 Toivonen, J.M. Sademetsän rakenteen, dynamiikan ja siementen leviämistehokkuuden vertailu kahden erilaisen maaperän välillä Perun Amazoniassa. (Rain forest structure and dynamics and seed dispersal mechanisms in two different soil types in Peruvian Amazonia). Master’s thesis, University of Turku, Finland.

Map of Affiliations
