Dr. Ricardo Grau
- Links
- Position
- Official Functions
- Global Land Programme SSC member MRI SLC member
- Main Affiliation
- Universidad Nacional de Tucuman (Yerba buena, Argentina)
- Career Stage
- Academic (Senior Researcher, Professor)
- Research Type
- Basic Research, Interdisciplinary Research
- Methods
- Earth Observations, Field Observations, Integrative Assessments, Remote Sensing, Synthesis and Meta-analysis
- Spatial Scale of Expertise
- Continental, Global/Hemispheric, National/Cultural, Regional
- Time Scales
- 100 kyr, Decadal/Centennial, Millenial
- Statistical Focus
- Mean Change/Trends, Variability
- Mountain Ranges of Research Expertise
- Andes
- Mountain Ranges of Research Interest
- Andes, Aconquija
- Atmospheric Sciences
- Climatology
- Biological Sciences
- Biodiversity, Ecology, Terrestrial Ecosystems
- Earth Sciences
- Physical Geography
- Hydrospheric Sciences
- Fresh Water Systems
- Integrated Systems
- Social-ecological Systems
- Social Sciences and Humanities
- History, Classical Studies, Archaeology, Prehistory and Early History
- List of Publications
- 4.1 BOOKS AND EDITED VOLUMES • 7-Grau HR, Izquierdo AE, Grau A, Babot MJ. 2018 (Editores). La Puna Argentina: Naturaleza y Cultura. Fundación Miguel Lillo, Tucumán. 499 pp. • • 5-Grau HR, editor. 2010. Ecología de un Gradiente Natural-Urbano. La sierra de San Javier y el Gran San Miguel de Tucumán. Editorial de la Universidad Nacional de Tucumán, 238 pp. • • 4-Aide TM, Grau HR, Lugo AE, editores. 2008. The Influence of human demography and agriculture on natural systems in the Neotropics. Numero Especial de “Ecology and Society”, Resilience Alliance. http://www.ecologyandsociety.org/vol13/iss2/art16/ • • 2-Brown AD, Grau HR, editores. 1995. Investigación, Conservación y Desarrollo en la Selva Subtropical de Montaña. Proyecto Desarrollo Agroforestal, Sociedad Alemana de Cooperación Técnica (GTZ), LIEY, Tucumán, Argentina. 187 pp. • PEER REVIEWD ARTICLES • 110-Grau HR, Araoz E, Nanni AS, Navarro CJ, Malizia A. 2020. Pathways of megaherbivore rewilding transitions: typlogies from an Andean gradient. Elementa. Science of the Anthropocene 8 (19). DOI: http://doi.org/10.1525/elementa.415 • 108. Navarro C, Izquierdo AE, Aráoz E, Foguet J, Grau HR. 2020. Rewilding of large herbivore communities in high elevation Puna: geographic segregation and no evidence of of positive effects on peatland productivity. En prensa en Regional Environmental Change • 106. Fernandez R, Ceballos S, Aragon R, Malizia A, Montti L, Whithworth Ulse I, Castro-Diez P, Grau HR. 2020. A global review of Ligustrum lucidum (Oleaceae) Invasion. En prensa en Botanical Review • 102- Thompson A, Ellis E, Grau HR, Kuemmerle T, Meyfroidt P, Ramankutty N, Zeleke G. 2019. Sustainable intensification in land systems: trade offs, scales and contexts. Current Opinion on Environmental Sustainability 38, 37-43. • • 101- Casagranda E, Navarro C, Grau HR, Izquierdo AE. 2019. Interannual lake fluctuations in the Argentine Puna: relationships with its associated peatbogs and climate change. Regional Environmental Change 19, 1737-1750 • • 100. Aide TM, Grau HR, Graesser J, Andrade MJ, Araoz E, Barros AP, Campos- Cequeira M, Chacón E, Cuesta F, Espinoza R, Peralvo M, Polk M, Rueda X, Sánchez A, Young K, Zarbá L, Zimmerer K. 2019. Woody vegetation dynamics in the tropical and subtropical Andes from 2001 to 2014: satellite image interpretation and expert validation. Global Change Biology 25, 2112-2126.. • 97- Nanni AS, Sloan S, Aide TM, Graesser J, Edwards D, Grau HR. The neotropical reforestation hotspots: a biophysicial and socioeconomic typology of contemporary forest expansion. Global Environmental Change 54, 148-159. • 96-Izquierdo AE, Grau HR, Navarro CJ, Casagranda E, Castilla MC,Grau A. 2019. Highlands in transition: urbanization, pastoralism, mining, tourism and wildlife in Argentine Puna. Mountain Research and Development 38, 390-400. • 93-Nanni AS, Grau HR. Land use redistribution in a heterogeneous watershed compensates for certain ecosystem services loses while increasing food production, with mixed effects on biodiversity. ForestsForests 2017, 8, 303; doi:10.3390/f8080303 • 79-Graesser J, Aide TM, Grau HR, Ramankutty N. 2015. Cropland/pastureland dynamics and the slowdown of deforestation in Latin America. Environmental Research Letters 10 doi: 034017. • 76-Izquierdo AE, Foguet J, Grau HR. 2015. Mapping and spatial characterization of Argentine High Andean peatbogs. Wetland Ecology and Management. DOI 10.1007/s11273-015-9433-3 • 71-Morales MS, Carilla J, Grau HR, Villalba R. 2015. Multi-century lake area changes in the Southern Altiplano: a tree-ring-based reconstruction. Climate of the Past 11, 1139-1152 • 70-Nanni S, Gasparri NI, Grau HR. Redistribution of forest biomass in an heterogeneous environment of subtropical Andes undergoing agriculture adjustment. Applied Geography 62, 107-114. • 67-Nanni S, Grau HR. 2014. Agriculture adjustment, population dynamics and forest redistribution in a subtropical watershed of NW Argentina. Regional Environmental Change DOI 10.1007/s10113-014-0608-x • 65-Stephenson NL, Das A, Condit R, Russo SE, Baker P, Beckman NG, Blundo C, Coomes DA, Lines E, Morris W, Rüger N, Ewango CEN, Flores O, Franklin JR, Grau HR, Hao Z, Harmon ME, Hubbell SP, Kenfack D, Lin Y, Makana JR, Malizia A, Malizia LR, Pabst R, Pongpattananurak N, Su S,Sun IF, Tan S, Thomas D, Phillip J, Wang X, Wiser SK. 2014. Rate of tree carbon accumulation increases continuously with tree size. Nature. doi:10.1038/nature12914 • 62-Grau HR, Kuemmerle T, Macchi L. 2013. Beyond land sparing and land sharing. Globalization, environmental gradients and the allocation of land for agriculture production and nature conservation. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 5, 477-483. • 56-Carilla J, Grau HR, Morales MS, Paolini L. 2013. Lake fluctuations, plant productivity and lont-term variability in high-elevation tropical Andean ecosystems. Arctic, Antarctic and Alpine Research 45, 179-189. • 54-Aide TM, Clark D, Grau HR, Levy M, Carr D, Redo D, Andrade M. 2013. Deforestation and forest expansión in Latin America: 2001-2010. Biotropica 45, 262-271. • 52-Redo D, Grau HR, Clark D, Aide TM. 2012. Asymmetric forest transition driven by the interaction of socio-economic development and environmental heterogeneity in Central America. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109, 8839-8844. • 43-Carilla J, Grau HR. 2010. 150 years of tree establishment, land-use and climate changes in montane grasslands, NW Argentina. Biotropica 42, 49-58. • 39-Izquierdo AE, Grau HR. 2009. Agriculture adjustment, land use transitions, and protected areas in northwestern Argentina. Journal of Environmental Management 90, 858-865. • 37-Grau HR, Gasparri NI, Aide TM. 2008. Balancing food production and nature conservation in the neotropical dry forests of northern Argentina. Global Change Biology 14: 985-997. • 36-Grau HR, Aide TM. 2008. Globalization and land use transitions in Latin America. Ecology and Society 13 (16). • • 31-Grau HR, Gasparri NI, Morales MM, Grau A, Aráoz E, Carilla J, Gutierez J. 2007. Regeneración ambiental en el noroeste Argentino. Ciencia Hoy 17: 46-60. • 30-Grau HR, Aide TM. 2007. Are rural-urban migration and sustainable development compatible in mountain systems?. Mountain Research and Development 27: 118-123. • 24-Farias E, Grau HR, Camps A. 2005. Trails preferences and visitors'characteristics in Airguestortes I Estany Sant Maurici National Park, Spain. Mountain Research and Development 25: 51-59. • 21-Morales MM, Villalba R, Grau HR, Paolini L. 2004. Rainfall controlled tree growth in high elevation subtropical treelines. Ecology 85: 3080-3089. • 19-Aide TM, Grau HR. 2004. Globalization, migration, and Latin American ecosystems. Science 305: 1915-1916. • 18-Grau HR, Aide TM, Zimmerman JK, Thomlinson JR. 2004. Trends and scenarios of the carbon budget in post-agricultural Puerto Rico (1936-2060). Global Change Biology 10: 1163-1179. •
Map of Affiliations
MRI Roles and Involvement
- Role
- SLC-Member
- Science Leadership Council (SLC) Member
- 2021